May the Farce Be With You
[Bryant Enters to the Theme of Star Wars dazzling the audience with his Jest-I powers Lifesaver Candy]
May the Farce Be with You. That is what my Master Ben Onethatwantssamadhi would always say. He would also tell us that everyone needs Samadhi Sometime. He was the greatest Jest-I knight I knew. The Farce was VERY very strong with him, for he learned everything from master Yoga.
In my training with him I never saw any faults, except that he was obsessed with Life-Savers (especially butterscotch) and therefore had rotten teeth. He would tell me it is ok to find faults, but simply not to dwell on them
He once told me his secret to staying so positive - Study nuclear physics, especially the protons. So I got my degree in nuclear physics and never paid attention to the electrons. And you know what, I have never had trouble with negative thoughts.
People would always ask me, how can you like nuclear physics so much. I just tell them It's just one of my quarks. I am currently working on a theory that unifies the 4 farces in nature - the satire farce, the slap-stick farce, the farce of gravity, and the PUN force that unites them all. Central to my theory is removing the farce of Gravity and replacing it with the farce of levity. I call this my theory of Pun-ness. I have even unified my theory with Creationism as depicted in the Old Testiment. My Theory shows that everything can ultimately be traced back to the first Adam/Atom.
So do you want to experience this Pun-ness for yourself?!
If so, first I have a few questions for you to ponder:
Having you tried so many spiritual paths that you've become pathological?
Experienced So much personal growth, that your are totally growthed out?
Do you think God loves you - but He's just not ready to make a commitment?
Have you spent so much money trying to fix yourself, that now you're really broke?
Do you think you might be confused, but you're just not sure?
Well, I have just the answer. From my master Ben and his Master Yoga, I have learned the ancient Chinese secret technique of Fu-Ling where I have achieved the highest state of Fool Realization - where in a blinding flash of golden light, I realized very clearly that I was still the same fool I have always been, but now I can laugh at it. Furthermore, I realized creation is One Big Cosmic Joke and all the Farces of Nature are indeed Truly Pun. This highest state is known as Satori or more Accurately Satire-y.
But it didn't happen overnight... There was a nine month Jest-tation period before I was given a new Mirth.
I now have the special power to make others fooly aware. I have also gained insight into what I call Tantram Yoga. In tantram Yoga, you hold your breath until God gives you what you want. This is why Krishna turned blue.
So I set out on the path alone, hoping I was not embarking up the wrong tree. Master once told me, "Never have sects on the path, if you want to have sects do it behind a tree.
[Bryant Enters to the Theme of Star Wars dazzling the audience with his Jest-I powers Lifesaver Candy]
May the Farce Be with You. That is what my Master Ben Onethatwantssamadhi would always say. He would also tell us that everyone needs Samadhi Sometime. He was the greatest Jest-I knight I knew. The Farce was VERY very strong with him, for he learned everything from master Yoga.
In my training with him I never saw any faults, except that he was obsessed with Life-Savers (especially butterscotch) and therefore had rotten teeth. He would tell me it is ok to find faults, but simply not to dwell on them
He once told me his secret to staying so positive - Study nuclear physics, especially the protons. So I got my degree in nuclear physics and never paid attention to the electrons. And you know what, I have never had trouble with negative thoughts.
People would always ask me, how can you like nuclear physics so much. I just tell them It's just one of my quarks. I am currently working on a theory that unifies the 4 farces in nature - the satire farce, the slap-stick farce, the farce of gravity, and the PUN force that unites them all. Central to my theory is removing the farce of Gravity and replacing it with the farce of levity. I call this my theory of Pun-ness. I have even unified my theory with Creationism as depicted in the Old Testiment. My Theory shows that everything can ultimately be traced back to the first Adam/Atom.
So do you want to experience this Pun-ness for yourself?!
If so, first I have a few questions for you to ponder:
Having you tried so many spiritual paths that you've become pathological?
Experienced So much personal growth, that your are totally growthed out?
Do you think God loves you - but He's just not ready to make a commitment?
Have you spent so much money trying to fix yourself, that now you're really broke?
Do you think you might be confused, but you're just not sure?
Well, I have just the answer. From my master Ben and his Master Yoga, I have learned the ancient Chinese secret technique of Fu-Ling where I have achieved the highest state of Fool Realization - where in a blinding flash of golden light, I realized very clearly that I was still the same fool I have always been, but now I can laugh at it. Furthermore, I realized creation is One Big Cosmic Joke and all the Farces of Nature are indeed Truly Pun. This highest state is known as Satori or more Accurately Satire-y.
But it didn't happen overnight... There was a nine month Jest-tation period before I was given a new Mirth.
I now have the special power to make others fooly aware. I have also gained insight into what I call Tantram Yoga. In tantram Yoga, you hold your breath until God gives you what you want. This is why Krishna turned blue.
So I set out on the path alone, hoping I was not embarking up the wrong tree. Master once told me, "Never have sects on the path, if you want to have sects do it behind a tree.